My kids are still pretty young, but having a friend working in a company helping teenagers select their tertiary or higher educational paths telling me the cost of going to university made me wanted to start thinking about their tuition fees. So as we head into the June holidays and enhance phase 2, here are… Continue reading
Tag: Savings
Singapore Circuit Breaker, What I’ve Learnt During These 2 Months
Being on the planet for more than a quarter of a century, the past 2 months has been an interesting period. Its the first time, that large populations of people are confined or forced to stay home in Singapore. The only two outdoor activities is to go out to get a meal/grocery shopping or exercising,… Continue reading
DFS Changi to Close Jun 2020
Many of you might have saw the post on FB or whatsapp that the Duty Free Shop at Changi is closing down and having a massive clearance sale (70%). Its a pity to see that DFS is closing, as for years it has been the 1st brand that welcomes most Singaporeans after their overseas trips.… Continue reading
Should We Wait the Next or Buy Shares Now?
In March 23rd, the market (S&P 500) tanked, bottomed up and bounced back to its current level. Many of my friends and articles that I read talked about the next stock dip coming soon, the dead cat bounce. This is reinforced with the fact that historically looking at the Vix there seems to show a… Continue reading
How Much Money You Will Have for Retirement if You Save X Dollars Monthly Before Retirement
Everyone will have to retire someday, be it 100% not working or being semi retired, we all will reach that stage one day. However not many have thought about what is needed or how they would like their retirement days to be. Something that I find strange or maybe its way too far away for… Continue reading
Turning 40 and No Savings? What Can One Do in Singapore?
As someone who cares about retiring comfortably, it worries me when friends aren’t prepared as they should be. Many haven’t started to think about it, they either hope it’s enough or really don’t bother. What do I mean by starting? I just had a conversation with a close friend. He is single, 40 this year… Continue reading
OCBC National Day Singapore Savings Promotional Interest Rate
Was at the bank yesterday to conduct some business with my CPFIS account. I love OCBC and Standard Chartered banks for their weekend banking, both banks open over the weekend and they close late as well. It really is a smart move as we would have to take a day off to conduct our personal… Continue reading